Mathematics Curriculum

The student outcomes for the mathematics program reflect the best knowledge of the growth and development of children, the needs of the children in our community, and the mathematical content that is critical to teach based on Arizona State Standards and the standards developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).

The structure of the K-8 math curriculum is developed around the five strands that encompass the NCTM Standards and the Arizona State Standards:

Strand 1: Numeration, Reasoning, Problem Solving, Communication, and Connections

Strand 2: Measurement

Strand 3: Geometry

Strand 4: Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability

Strand 5: Patterns, Algebra, and Functions


Throughout mathematics instruction, students use reasoning, communications skills, appropriate manipulative materials and technology to make connections with real-life problem solving situations. Teachers focus instruction on the learning outcomes using a variety of strategies and methods. Teachers may provide instruction on outcomes children have not learned from previous grade levels or provide extra practice on the grade level outcomes children have not yet mastered. Teachers may also provide instruction to extend learning beyond the grade level outcomes.

Teachers use performance assessments matched to the outcomes to measure the progress of individual students to plan for continuing instruction based on results.

The goal of the mathematics program for students in grades K-8 is for students to develop a firm understanding of mathematics concepts, strategies, and algorithms. It is the expectation that students will be able to apply, generalize, and extend their knowledge of mathematics. Students will become fluent with mathematics and will be able to make connections within the discipline of math and to other disciplines.